At the end of November, employee representatives will meet the CEO of Siemens Italy. On this occasion, they draw the attention of the whole management to the current situation.
In addition to the talks about annual results and an overview for the year 2014 in Italy, they will address the following topics as described in an open letter to the management by representatives of <link http: _blank external-link-new-window>FIM, <link http: _blank external-link-new-window>FIOM, <link http: _blank external-link-new-window>UILM and Works Council Siemens SpA:
1. Organizational structure and the situation of industry
Siemens is constantly cutting jobs, either by "bonuses" to employees for voluntary redundancy or by selling parts of the company. This year, Siemens has transferred many employees to quickly established private companies and waits that others will care about the fate of these people. For too many times we have experienced in Italy how bad it went with our ex - colleagues. Siemens sells businesses that were considered as very strategically only recently ; Turbo Care goes to Wood, a small part of Smart Grid to Accenture. The clusters are quickly and suddenly abolished without explaining the exact effect of this change. Will there be even more centrali-zation of decision-making in the headquarter of Siemens ?
Like other large companies, Siemens unfortunately does not seem to have a long- term strategy. Today it seems as if the management is still strongly geared to short-term financial results and profitability.
2. Taken choice and behavior
Recently, in an internal meeting , all managers have calmed the workers in Italy, celebrated with them and thanked for the good results of the past few months , as these results are better than expected in July. All seemed relieved. But then, in complete contradiction to this behavior , the management of Siemens Italy has claimed that the situation was so difficult that it is forced to make a very serious step, namely the termination of an agreement, that has been agreed between the company and workers' representatives more than 30 years ago to regulate the travel costs and per diem for business trips within Italy. The management takes this agreement as too onerous for the company. And soon, subsistence allowance will be granted only to the managers ! Such an approach has never existed until now at Siemens Italy !
Siemens Italy has spent in 2012 about one hundred million Euros for business trips, consultations, contracts with external companies etc. and the management has never answered our question about the plans for a healthy cost containment. Now with the notice of termination of a running agreement the management wants to save some hundred thousands of Euros for the business trips of the employees in Italy. Some more hundreds of Euros it has already saved by ignoring a valid agreement between the company and the unions completely.
3. Working environment and dealing with employees
We notice a strong uncertainty among workers and more and more resentment against the current behavior of the management of Siemens Italy. The passion, the recognition for the work performed, the endorsement are on the ground today ...